Monday, May 18, 2009


One of the things I miss is being in the mountains in minutes. When we lived in Logan, Neko and I would go at least once a week on a trail or just go cook some tin foil dinners (one of my all time favorite meals). When we visited Shannon and Emily, they had a really fun activity for us to do. Shannon had a map from school of a trail in the canyon and a lot of landmarks and points of interest marked. He told the kids it was a treasure map and we followed it. Ragno and Macgyver stuck together like glue.And Shaylie kept a close eye on May LynnThere was a really cool brick oven that was huge, we all piled on for a group shot (sorry May Lynn!)
Earlier Emily had hidden a little bag of 'treasure" aka chocolate.

Of course we had to hike all over the mountain to find it! And I was carrying Varden, who is not light load and very tired, but it was well worth it.

We also got to see a beautiful waterfall that Shannon and Oma took Ragno, Shaylie and Macgyver up to see, they took the picture

I sure miss being there, but at least I don't have to spend very many mornings scraping ice/snow/frost off MY windshield!
Shaylie..Naomi..Emily..Macgyver..Ragno..May Lynn..Ilona(Oma)