Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gross Story

So, I have a gross story for you. I was on my way to my piano lesson this morning. I was a little hungry on the way, so I had a handful of grapes. We were going to the library and park afterwards. I was almost there and I started feeling ill. I thought, "I can make it!" Nope, I didn't, I threw up all the grapes I had just eaten all over myself. I get there and ask my poor teacher to lend me some clothes. Of course then I had to tell her why I was throwing up, because we are expecting Webb number four! Yup, another crazy one to join the three we already have. Yea us! Neko is hoping for twins, and aparently that is plausable, so we will find out! And yes, I have been sick, and it's ssoooo much worse with three others, especially Varden. He gets into EVERYTHING!! Anyway, there's the big news. Hope it didn't gross you out too much, anything like that ever happen to you?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

May Lynn turns THREE!!

May Lynn turned three. She is now a big girl. She took most of the pictures at her party, so most of them were not fit to post. But, we love our independant girly girl.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

February's Busy Schedule

For those of you who don't know, Neko owns a lawn maintenance business. And grass doesn't grow very much in the winter. So here is what Neko kept himself busy with.

It's a good thing Spring is on it's way. He might run out of things to do.