Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exciting News!

No, I am not pregnant. A few weeks ago, Neko was acting suspicious. Then his dad asked me a surprising question. "Are you excited about your piano?" i got an electronic keyboard for my birthday, but that was in January. The next week we had to pick up some furniture for Neko's parents at a place called the Restore (awesome place! They resell and used furniture overstock building materials so they won't go into landfills). I left in the truck to drop off the furniture and then went home. Neko was behind me with his dad and they brought in a beautiful upright piano! I took lessons when i was younger (thanks MOM!!) but I was not the most motivated student. So I can pluck out most tunes, but nothing spectacular. But I am so grateful to have such a wonderful instrument in my home. Thank you Neko, I love it!


Becca said...

That is exciting news. You'll find just sitting and playing (no matter how well you play) relieves a lot of stress. It looks beautiful too. Hope all is well. Love you.

Anny said...

You are so lucky! I remember when I wanted my kids to start lessons, then I realized we didn't have a piano. The Williams let us store theirs in our home and we still have it :) Such a fun surprise.