Monday, October 12, 2009


Last night I was laying in bed around midnight. I have the flu and I've been trying to sleep. I was so sore from just lounging around all day, it was hard to get comfortable. I finally was dozing off when I hear crying. Oh dear, May Lynn is awake. I get up and grab the medicine, just in case. She is thrashing a little, and screaming, but she's not hot. I sit with her for a few minutes (actually it was a long time), but she doesn't stop. She keeps saying something about an owee, so I give her a little medicine, which she hates. I pick her up with a blanket an cuddle her. Then...she pees on me. She stops crying, I put her in bed and leave. Ggrrrr. Ragno is sleeping on the couch, and as I am about to go to sleep, HE starts crying. But he is crying for Daddy, there is no way I am getting out of bed this time. After Ragno is crying for a about five minutes (that's a long time when you're listening to someone cry) I pushed Neko out of bed. By this time he's moved on to calling for Mommy. Now I can't resist, I get up and go sit by him. I grab the medicine again, remember I am sick, so they very well could be getting it. I realize he is grabbing at his little man, and it big, so I try to make him as comfortable as possible. Then...he pees on me!!!!! WHAT!!!!! Now I am angry! I got to tell ya, I went to bed and just cried. I get super emotional in the middle of the night, and I didn't get much sleep the two nights before, and I was at the end of my rope. Ragno doesn't remember me being there, he does remember peeing on the bed, though. So there is my mommy whine of the day, please feel free to share yours! I would love to hear it.


Becca said...

Oh that is hilarious Amy. I know not so much when it is actually happening. I've had many of those nights, either peeing, or through up. I hope you are feeling better.

Anny said...

Amy, Amy! you can whine all you want! I remember when I was sick and in bed, kids running around the house and Brooklyn spilt a huge costco jar of syrup all over and then later finger painted with her poopy diaper during nap time. So fun to deal with when your sick as a dog. I hope you are all doing better. Gotta love those priceless moments of motherhood.