Friday, November 07, 2008


I have been thinking a lot lately about the things I'll need for after the baby is born, and I always try to do the minimum. Every list I have ever seen, you know the ones..the 'essentials'..I haven't needed half of the things on it. So I remember what I used in the past and go from there. But it is so much fun looking at baby things. I always WANT to get more more more. I don't need four wipes boxes, or three bags of newborn diapers, or seven diaper bags. I don't even NEED any clothes at all, Ragno and May Lynn were spoiled enough to last through all the rest of the babies we will be blessed to have.
I also have been reading the after baby stuff, like sleep when the baby sleeps, don't do any laundry, don't worry if the beds aren't made, dishes aren't as important as your health. But every time I read those things I think, 'well, I feel better when the beds are made.' And if the whole day is just chaos, like I know it will be for a little while, then at least one thing will have gotten done. And I can't even sleep when we are all asleep, let alone take a nap while the kids are awake, so even though I know the advice is well intended (like all advice is) I think I will just toss it all out and do what works for me. And that includes dishes.


Becca said...

I can't believe you are so close to your due date. (I love the count down, keeps me posted:) You are absolutely right. You do what works best for you. Especially after two, you know. Love you. Good luck with everythin.

p.s. Have you learned to do pictures yet?

Anny said...

I'm so excited for you! Especially because you don't know what you are having! This is my favorite part, the anticipation of meeting a new person, your own child! Best of luck with it all and YES do what is best for you!!!!

Kass said...

Amy! I am so excited for you! I love the anticipation of having a baby. It is one of my favorite things I have ever experienced in this life. What will the baby loko like? How will everything go? How much will he/she weigh? You have the added bonus of will the baby be a boy or girl? How fun! All will be great. Looking forward to hearing the news!


I'm anxiously waiting for the delivery so I can have fun making a quilt. It must be iminent. I'm sure that your dad will let me know. May everything go very well for you and the baby. I have you in my favorites now so I can read your blog often. Do you need to invite me to your blog?