Tuesday, January 05, 2010


We have been organizing our photos this week. Well, Neko has taken over, and I'm a little peeved about it, but I guess it's better this way because I always get caught up in more looking than organizing. But I saw a few years of different Christmases, so I thought I'd post how we have changed in the past few years.


Does anyone else remember these awful binkeys? And Alexis is so adorable!






Becca said...

Love the past Christmas pictures. The picture with everyone wearing the same p.j.'s are cute. You have a darling family. I hope your Christmas was wonderful.

Anny said...

It is amazing how fast time flies. Tell Neko thank you. You better start now - my last 16 years of unorganized, undigital pictures need some serious attention.
Love the matching pjs.

kimberly said...

its fun to look back at pictures in the past and i'm like you, i catch myself looking a lot more than organizing

Kass said...

It's crazy how little things change day by day, but looking year by year it's huge. You are such a darling family! I love Christmas pictures. Especially jammies ones.