Friday, September 05, 2008

I am so tired. I have been awake a lot of the last couple nights, not being able to sleep and the kids have been a part of it, too. My head hurts and my nose is a combo of stuffy and runny. This pregnancy has been a cranky one. I don't remember being this cranky so much, ever.
There is supposed to be a hurricane coming in tonight. I have never been in one. I am preparing for it. I have to fill water containers, and make sure the yard is free of damaging debris, and look over the emergency equipment and so much other stuff. And I'm sick. I don't want to do any of it. Blah.


Becca said...

Amy, I wish I could be there to help. When your pregnant and sick, who wants to prepare for a hurricane? I forgot you are so close. I hope it all goes well for you. I remember on my mission in Texas, I was serving on the coast, we had a hurricane warning and my companion and I were so excited. We were going to go to a members and wait it out. It never came, just some rain and a little wind. I guess that is good, but I still haven't been in a hurricane.

Becca said...

p.s. I'll invite you to my blog. I hope your e-mail is


I am thinking this is my granddaughter, Amy, right? I hope to keep up with your blogs. Have your doctor e-mail me what you are having, O.K.? I promise I won't tell you what it is!!!