Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Slumps

On the radio this morning everyone who called in said something about how the rain (yes, it was raining again) was putting a damper on their day. I was thinking that they were a bunch of whiners and crybabies. Yes the rain can get depressing, but if we don't have the rain, my husband will be out of a job. For the last month there has been so much rain the grass is growng very well and Neko has some pretty serious job security. I love the rain. I love smelling it and right after, when the grass is all wet and the roof is dripping, the way the world is new. It reminds me of baptism, we have been fortunate enough to have several of our Primary children be baptized, and I have had the great opportunity to attend. It is always a special event, and a good reminder of the covenants we have all made. I had an appointment today, they gave me another ultrasound because I am measuring 4 cm larger than I should. That sure makes me feel good, you are bigger than you're supposed to be. But I got to see the baby again, and it's face looks just like Ragno. I can never see what other people see when they say,"he looks just like so-and-so." They all look the same with a few differences, even my own kids, but I could tell this kid looks like it's big brother. I want my babies to grow up ion a world where rain isn't something to get you down, but to be celebrated. I love rain.

1 comment:

Becca said...

It was rainning here in Montana all day too. Low, dark clouds. I loved every min. of it. We get so little rain here. I love the fresh clean smell, and all the colors are a little richer. Thanks for your post today, and the reminder of the covenants we have made.